Cat T. Gardiner1 minTheir 1940s Romance - #7♥ Bob & Jean ♥ Let me introduce you to this adorable couple! The lovely Jean is a patient of Mr. Cat and she proudly displays a keepsake...
Cat T. Gardiner1 minTheir 1940s Romance #6♥ Arthur & Adelaide ♥ This wedding photo was submitted to The 1940s Experience by their daughter-in-law and my friend, Angela! Our 20...
Cat T. Gardiner1 minTheir 1940s Romance #5♥ Arthur & Marie-Reine ♥ This is such a stunning portrait! A dear reader from Canada shares the love story of her grandparents and the...
Cat T. Gardiner1 minTheir 1940s Romance #4♥ Bernadine and John ♥ This adorable couple's romance was submitted to The 1940s Experience by their daughter, a very talented musician...
Cat T. Gardiner4 minCoincidences?Happy New Year, my swinging friends! May it be a blessed one filled with the making of swell memories. Well, it's my first post of 2016...
Cat T. Gardiner5 min32 Satin ButtonsThere was a time when I frequented estate sales with a girlfriend of mine. I absolutely loved the thrill of finding those pieces of...